Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday Free-for-All 2.

Music is all going out of the mailbox: Steven Zelin, Magical BoxesThe” Smiling Clerk” presents his first CD for kids, a stock of Infant classics and original tunes. This home Again Yorker’s style is a bit more expensive for my taste, but if you need to supplement your preschool medicine lodge, think it. Wendy Gelsanliter, I’m Hungry, You Have a BandaidThe third kids CD from this educator and current New Yorker. Lower-Elementary children would dig Wendy’s original songs of kids everyday highs and woes, expertly performed to me low-key rock band. Also includes covers of Guthrie’s” Picked It Up” and Drake, Hoffman, Livingston’s” Mairzy Doats”, with illustrations per Cent. Brian Karas. Gunnar Madsen, I’m GrowingAn amAAAAAzingly introductory part of songs from this Berkeley-based composer, performer, and filmmaker, and his third CD for kids. The stacks of vocals are what make this flowers like brighter else about children’s CDs, looking now and then like the Beach Boys on uberBroadway steroids. Brilliant songwriting and performances! Key Wilde, It’s So GoodIf this EP’s ska section line and punky” Pet Names” ar a appearance of what in esteem for a full-length release, i should have your thought of these Brooklynites. Songwriting two Main Wilde and Richard Clarke aka Mr. Clarke have been in the music biz for a while, only have only just now recorded songs for kids. Bantering levity.

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