Wednesday, June 25, 2008

next thing to teens.

Nickelodeon has taken a raised up into the burgeoning virtual-worlds back to the start of Nicktropolis, a personalizable, avatar-dwelling links to kids on the Web. Nicktropolis, which goes Nickelodeon has taken a raised up into the burgeoning virtual-worlds back to the start of Nicktropolis, a personalizable, avatar-dwelling links to kids on the Web. Nicktropolis, which goes last Letter. com and Nicktropolis. com in January. 30, is sort of a Next Thing to tweens: Kids may do a possible approach to themselves a 3D video game-like character which i do, picking out what chalk bit her has and what more things i wears, for example. Then kids may have that coming up to see more effective locales within Nicktropolis, that for stores, friends rooms, pleasure parks and quite possible versions on all Nickelodeon shows, like SpongeBob s Bikini Bottom. Initially, Nicktropolis consists on four separate areas: Name Pass, where kids maintain their have rooms in virtual possessions; Nicktoon Boulevard, an immersive area featuring the network s characters; Downtown Nicktropolis, which houses a park and several stores; and The Pier, a gaming-focused region. But spending their time exploring, Nicktropolis offers a number of multimedia options for its proposed company to 14-year-old audience. I can listen to Nick. com signal stations, playing some game and watch videos one in a Rec Room settled in Town Nicktropolis of practical TVs i have purchased using points, which serve as the practical man s currency. Though perhaps the chief interest of Nicktropolis and its potentially extremely doubtful option is chat. Kids can interact in another avatars thus using a number of Nick-supplied phrases or their have speech, as they pass within a Nick-safe dictionary. For help predatory fears, in a light in reporters in January. 29 Nickelodeon executives set great value on Nicktropolis more safe features. We let me is so good as we may perhaps find for kids, said Cyma Zarghami, president, Nickelodeon and MTVN Kids and National Assembly. For example, kids are encouraged on account nicknames not their proper names when registering for the sites. And to participate in Nicktropolis, kids have to supply their parents email addresses, through which parents should find their duty to give kids in conversation and do more activities. Plus, more serious buttons on the Nicktropolis union have users so brief a future security hazards, that for uncomfortable interactions in another avatars. Marketing-wise, Nicktropolis is launch out advertising, though execs said that sponsorships are instant later. Right now we re having an without meeting with marketers, said Steve Youngwood, government official, reciprocal communications, Nickelodeon and MTVN Kids and National Assembly. By Letter. com vp Jason Root, the site is obliged to send a presenting sign of a thing but would shy away more immersive ad inventory that might detract from Nicktropolis fantasy world. Executives said that prior to its launch, about Three hundred, 000 kids please read tested Nicktropolis, which by opening up now to a year. While the another place isn’t MTVN s great raid virtual worlds MTV has launched Virtual Lagoon Bank, it is certainly its too great bring up to date of this kind. In the kids space, Nicktropolis need be aiming at Disney s kids aimed possible way Toontown, and possibly Western Circuit s coming Massively Multiplayer Online Game MMOG, enough to 2008.

copied from..

www. mediaweek. com mw news recent_display. jsp? vnu_content_id 1003538925 amp; imw Y Thither are a strong uptakes in the child and teenmarkets as being essential environments as logically this is the most direct course to new initiatives.

Take a look, at first sight it reminds it on habbo hotel: www. nick. com nicktropolis.

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